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GV Congressi offers its operational support for all ECM accreditation and reporting activities, making use of the collaboration of Sp srl, Agenas training provider n. 4146.

The activity includes:


- setting up and operational management of the training plan


- payment of ministerial taxes


- report to the Italian Ministry of Health


- drafting of contracts with sponsors


- collection of educational documents


- attendance tracking of participants


- preparation, printing of documents and correction of learning evaluation questionnaires


- attribution of training credits


- sending of Ecm certificates


- archiving and conservation of ECM documents for 5 years.

GV Congressi, via Olanda 6, 09045 - Quartu Sant'Elena (CA)

Phone no: +39 391 4008030 //  +39 070 467 173 6

P.IVA 03747340929 - C.F. VNCMGV80S41B354D

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